Land Management and Registration

The Cadastre Committee carries out the summary of the reports on the availability and distribution of the land fund received from the RA Regional Governorates and Yerevan City Hall. Committee prepares the package of the draft government decision regarding the availability and distribution of the land fund of the Republic of Armenia (land balance) for submission to the RA government for approval.
CC participates in the development of principles of land policy, land resources management, increasing the efficiency of land use and regulation of land relations. Provides an opinion on land use (zoning) schemes, urban development program documents, their technical (design) task and completed scheme (project), as well as land management works prepared for the changing the purpose and operational significance of land. Committee supports the development of a targeted program to improve agricultural land, acquire new land, conserve soil and increase its fertility. Ensures mutual cooperation with international organizations in land management and presents recommendations on their application in the RA territory. Currently, according to the RA Law "On Administrative Territorial Division of the Republic of Armenia", as a result of the unification and enlargement of communities, there are only 73 Communities in the Republic, including Yerevan.
At the initiative of the Cadastre Committee, correction of the administrative boundaries of communities in the cadastral maps is being carried out in accordance with the descriptions of the administrative boundaries of the communities specified in the RA Law "On Administrative Territorial Division of the Republic of Armenia".